Movies, movies...
Donnerstag, Juni 30, 2005
Movies I really really want to watch....
1. In my father's den
2. Charlie and the chocolate factory
3. The Wedding Crashers
4. My boyfriend is type B
5. Downfall
Anybody want to watch with me? SMS me soon... (3-5 maybe lar)
turned upside down
Montag, Juni 27, 2005
cHaRoN posted at 10:18 PM
Feels weird. You passed ur driving test, i learnt playing pool. Things that didn't seem to happen only happened now.Life isn't the same for me...neither is it for you i guess. I feel stressed coping up with all the homework all the time. Sad that I have to see videos with humans causing DISASTERS that sacrifice their own race, own people, others innocent lives. Haiz. Life is a series of misfortunate events. Thank God, you're around. I'm drowning too much in a state of depression. Talk to me and I will know that you're a God of love and just. Lord, I can only leave my life to you. Mould me, shape me, into the vessel you want. Then other things will be in place for me to see...
Quote me
Freitag, Juni 24, 2005
UNCOVERED and realised to reveal the past that leads to eternity....-- JESUS --
Labels: quote
Sometimes it's just comical to see things you once treasured and now, look at it and realise it's not that important anymore. Labels: quote
Thank GOD for the lab viva yesterday! Just before I went in, a little prayer really worked by just leaning and trusting you. hahaha. that's all.
Clashing Habits!
Donnerstag, Juni 23, 2005
Aiya sian.... at first yesterday was rather fine. Went to buy english assessment books for my tution kid. Very satisfied; bought one that consists of synthesis and transformation plus editing and grammer. The other was to train my kid in his observation, classification, analytical skills. Later, me and the 2SLs went to eat burger king. long never eat turkey bacon burger liao...tastes "new". After that then went home to drink tom yam soup. (Comments: Not nice, no sotongs and prawns. Even though got mushroom and fish, not enough lar...)Okay...was fine. Watched superstar for first time. Not bad lar that got so many people who can sing apppear 'coz of our local successful singers... After that went back to do pharma report 3: sieve shakers.... MSN nick was: I want to rock in your presence!THEN MY MOM CAME HOME. THEN SHE ASK MY BROTHER TO CLEAN UP THE ROOM BY BRINGING THE BOOKS TO MY ROOM. MAKES HIS ROOM CLEANER AND PILES THE MESS IN MY ROOM AND AT THE DOOR. WHAT IS THIS. SHE SAYS SHE ONLY WILL PACK LATER AFTER THE NEWS. WHY SHE ALWAYS LIKE NOTHING BETTER TO DO. AND MY AUNT THINKS THAT BY SHOUTING AT MY MUM TO DO THE STUFF, I WILL BE INFLUENCING HER CHILDREN, NOT AS THOUGH SHE REALLY HAS A VERY GOOD INFLUENCE ON HER CHILDREN OR SHE DID TRY TO INCULCATE MORALS INTO THEM THAT THEY DON'T SHOUT AT THE MAID. AND I WAS REALLY IRRITATED WITH THE MESS! REALLY....kicked everything out lar and locked the door. Then waited for everything else to happen. Of course I feel guilty that I shouted at my mom with contrast of the testimony on her i said on stage that day. But we just have clashing habits. I tell her I also got try to help clean up my room full of her things and she takes it for granted, thinking that we should do more housework. I think we're JUST DIFFERENT. I knew it from the start. I acquired the habit to tidy up things from my dad, but she is different, she can wait and live with such a state until OTHERS find it unbearable. Haiz. God made us different to see our weak point. Hadn't really fumed up for such a long long long time since I left Daddy and that house.
So many things to say.
Freitag, Juni 17, 2005
Haiz these few days so tired doing report.... Wanted to write abt Mr and Mrs Smith... It's a fantastic movie you know, some love hate relationship that won't let u expect what u will do next. Brad Pitt and Anglelia Jolie looked so compatible in the movie. And the whole movie was made so hilarious with all the funny killing of each other and the funny sounds and weird movements when they see each other at home. It's just all the silent humor and u just know it.Too bad if u watched and didn't feel it. Anyway, the last part was really heart warming seeing them fight toegther, even though everyone can see how exaggerated the fighting was with all those hug machine guns and bombs all apppearing like a joke. Well, as least I learnt something from it: It's a woman's responsibility to help her husaband. And when she does, there is more happiness derived from it than all she had ever dreamt of. And of course, TRUST. More new movies coming up u noe...Initial D ( which I think it's a waste of money 'coz it just that kind of no content show with the pretty guys and their pretty cars) but i still want to watch...duh. And there's willy wonka and the chocolate factory, the good old children's adventure story, which i just saw the trailer outside the Bishan theatre today. Not forgetting CRASH. All abt racism. I guess I just like to always see sth... to stimulate the brain cells, challenge my thinking after watching intriguing shows like these... 28 days later, and there's this older movie, the labortory which i want to watch. Just can't remember now. Eh. A walk to remember is also nice. Watch out for the next. Talk abt what happened during ytd's go forth confererence and how I really felt what God had spoken to me.
Without You
Dienstag, Juni 07, 2005
cHaRoN posted at 12:48 AM
I guess u won't be lookin at my blog anyway, so I shall write to my heart's content. Just can't believe you can erase me from your memory bank so easily. Hard to accept. Maybe u were much earlier prepared. I feel hurt. But well, I kind of envy you, knowing that u can at least live your life normally now. For me leh... I still think of you.. not in lovey dovey context, but just seeing flashes of past, seeing your face. Soon soon soon i will get over the relationship, but not YOU. U understand what I mean? I am learning to live on, move on. Gladly there are friends around to support me. And I hope it's the same for you too. I want you to live out your best, be sure in the way you walk and not drown yourself with things not worthy of your concern. That day when we can both stand tall and said we have grown... we have experienced this wonderful and yet sad phase of life... BUT we have grown out of it. Always hoping the best for you. Take care.Wishing one day, I'll be as strong as you are.