haha...tried so long to get this done lor...
went to the website since afternoon...browsed around the site and finally decided should adopt one 235 guy.
Choose choose choose... looks really mattered... but ultimately I picked Caesar! Not that he's not good looking...Kelvin, Colin and Vincent's looks appeal to me more in the 2-3-5 poses and I simply liked Vincent's plain poses... but Caesar really got this personality that I find interesting...and I liked all his answers in the interview on what he wants for christmas... and yah. =) (of course I like this pic of him here!)
Even though after figuring about an hour how to link and all... also not exactly successful; only got the picture there and the link...but separately.... haha. Dun care lar...for a computer idiot that's the best I can do lor...
My new smiley: .) - single eyed.