quote that!
Dienstag, August 15, 2006
was watching this korean drama. then the father was trying to reprimand the son for making the mum angry by being with the gurl who's physically handicapped (dumb; can't talk)
and the father said
," will u insist on going out with her?""yes."" and so she must be a woman u really love?""yah, i really love her alot."" son, so you should understand that, your mum, who is my wife, is the woman i love most. and i dun wan to see her upset. dun make her upset again, okay?" "yup i understand, dad."let me tell u, after this. wah... if only i have a father like that man! words of wisdom and stern but love expressed. win both sides. hees.
^mark ur words!^
Labels: quote
haaaaaalla 5 life plus the lecture dummy exclusives.
Samstag, August 12, 2006
wah. one week. alot of things. life changing man!
wad i'm pre-occupied with these days:
1. wash clothes -
weekly... and i gotta wash my own undies... =X2. clear dustbin -
and i mean like eveeeryday!3. print notes (inlcudes check links and mail...*faints*) -
aww this is the most terrible part... since i started sch on thurs, i've zapped at least a hundred sheets? (already $20!!!) maybe more to go! wah... must complain to the green society or something... stop killing the treelies! then somemore all wad slide formats...change here and there so torublesome! and the queeue to printing... wahahaha... fren says like buying lottery at singapore pools...lolz. i think the printing shop like some illegal factory lor. and checking mail everyday! all the rubbish the school sends... only some are impt lor!!! time consuming... 4. buying stuff for the hall -
hope it's gonna stop! wah...will be broke soon lor, looking at the piling receipts... (argh!!! still have textbooks lor!)5. trying out the new food in school -
eh... it's still yuck on the whole... but cheap lor... wad to do. only supper's nice... whooops. =x6. attending the 2 hr lectures -
wah shit lor. lecturers all cannot make it except 1 interesting one... and pls... that's because he's the head of dept. wad am i paying my sch fees for?! yah i better learn to make them sweat lor... 2 hr sit inside i always struggle to stay awake. den somemore the clock behind can't countdown... den no more nice food as motivation... Argh...argh... ARGH... A-R-G-H!!!
ok la. one good thing... join the cca(s)... not yet explored all. but yah.
but other bad things... friends. i dun have friends... for once i'm complaing rite? not dun have la. just tt they are not the close or not my type. haiz... picky yuhan. dun like pickles... lolz. that was lame. i think at every point of my life... at anywhere, i always need to have a "best/close" fren ot soulmate... only with her, i'll feel at ease. i'll know i can do everything with her.
izzi coming? izzi izzi?

this piece is called "missing u". ytd nite i was super bored here at hall... and as i came across this piece at deviant art... i just cannot resist saving it.
it captures ur attention. instantaneously.
i feel for it. it's like u're here and i'm there. and i belong to the autumn side... the one where when u look into the reflection... u only realise it's more"skinny" than it is... (thou now as i observe...it looks more like it's depicting 4 seasons...) and the other end i'm missing, my conceptions of him in winter is just an exact opposite of him in bloom actually.
reality hurts. i choose and chose to live in dreams too many times.
and dunno why... this morning i actually had a dream of my ex. it's the effect of the picture rite? hahahaha.

this other picture... is also from deviant art. but it was in my collection long ago... it was only when i browse through "my pictures" folder to see if i can delete any pictures as i had too much already... that i thot it was not bad.
but when i changed to my laptop background...W-O-W!
it's really wonderful. i dunno how to describe it... it starts to look like holes of one window... and u like get to see beautiful scenery once i log on! definitely much better view than thru' my hall's window...
cHaRoN posted at 12:54 PM

haha i can be invisible if i wan to? haiz... do i really need that skill anot... seems like i am invisible to some ppl for quite a long time le...
but if i really can be invisible... i'll definitely wan to pop by the guy i like... haha. and observe him for one entire day... more also never mind. i would want to see those ppl who i dun like... was it misconceptions on my part? hahaha... maybe i'll do somethings for my lovely frens... because u're worth it (it's Maybeline... *sings*... lolz)
but i'll never like to be invisible for long. ppl forget u.
the new life
Sonntag, August 06, 2006
wah... that day started life @ hostel on sunday nite. first time mop the floor, unpack the stuff and all... then followed by the haVoc camp'06... wah really havoc lor. keep running and playing games until i damn tired. had fun lar... esp the last part "initiation"... wah... do all the disgusting things, drink toilet water, drink spit, do trust fall, go down soapy slope. (haha and i thot it was a pool, and the senior keep saying dun be scared, only 1.8m, can't swim never mind... wah lolz lor...) den play in mud and walk thru' dark tunnel somemore... final stage the "po shui jie"... wah win lor...the water coldness and amount and force on us... den the maze broken down from the pervious grp...
okay la. i'm ready to start the new life. it maybe tired, it may require me to stretch my limits of endurance (like running during the games) and also discipline...(no heavy supper!!!) but i think i'm more occupied at the moment.
and good things are about to come, i hope. =)